broadband bonding Archives - comBOX multi-WAN Services Optimized broadband bonding Thu, 05 Jan 2023 08:29:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Does your business need more bandwidth? Sun, 24 Apr 2016 08:55:48 +0000 As businesses expand their cloud-based operations, their users and IT managers have to deal on a daily basis with slow performing applications, latency and jitter. When these issues arise in a business environment, they not only impact the company’s productivity, but can also trigger the inevitable question, “Do we need more bandwidth"?

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Why optimized bandwidth aggregation? Wed, 30 Mar 2016 09:19:34 +0000 Most public IP connections such as ADSL, VDSL or Cable come with unpredictable performance and stability issues which should be managed in a smart and efficient manner, as these issues can be a serious bottleneck for the performance of various Internet applications running in a corporate network.

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How to increase your Internet upload speed Wed, 16 Sep 2015 10:10:33 +0000 Upload speed (upload bandwidth), which determines the rate of sending data to the Internet, depends on the type and quality of the Internet connection of your network. Low upload speed is often responsible for the deterioration of the performance of modern enterprise cloud applications and does not allow the reliable integration of these applications within the information systems of modern enterprises.

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VDSL bonding for ultrafast Internet Access Fri, 13 Jun 2014 10:17:41 +0000 The latest internet access technology for the general public and small businesses is VDSL (Very high-bitrate/high speed DSL). VDSL is the fastest asymmetric DSL and is the precursor to FTTH (Fiber-To-The-Home) technology. Due to the fact that the replacement of all the copper telecommunication cables with optical fibers is a significantly time-consuming and expensive process, the expansion of providers’ backbone network infrastructure by creating more telecommunication centers (DSLAMs) which serve a few dozen subscribers within a small radius with faster speeds than those of ADSL, is a much easier and affordable option. VDSL allows the provisioning of services that require high bandwidth, such as high definition television, digital video, connecting remote corporate offices, etc.

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Broadband bonding or legacy load balancing? Tue, 03 Dec 2013 13:05:20 +0000 Quite often there is a confusion when comparing legacy network load balancing with broadband bonding technologies. The truth is that although these technologies look similar there are many differences between them. The ability of broadband bonding to simplify WAN management and boost the network performance has made it already the new trend in corporate networking.

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Layer2 vs Layer3 Line Bonding Sat, 12 Oct 2013 13:07:11 +0000 The SHDSL is a data transfer technology that implements line bonding at Layer 2 (link layer) allowing higher transmission speed than those of ADSL by combining up to four pairs of copper telephone lines. It allows symmetrical speeds from 2 to 22 Mbps while providing greater reliability.

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